1. Monitoring and reviewing legislation surrounding your practice of the biomedical profession in Zambia. Everything we advocate for is in your interest.

1. Advertising opportunities for corporate member businesses.
2. Prioritised and informed of upcoming advertising and brand visibility opportunities

This allows us to specialize in all dimensions of trades and stocks, because we have a specialist within the team for every scenario.

Education In a world that is constantly changing, we believe that our members need to stay ahead of the curve and remain relevant in this dynamic profession of biomedical sciences. We offer continuing education opportunities using online and physical means. We organise conferences and seminars that feature topics relevant to the development of our members.

Mentorship BMSZ implements a mentorship programme that aims at building students and biomedical professionals into what they hope to be. Someone (the mentor) who is more experienced in a particular of interest walks alongside one (the mentee) who wants to learn and grow. There are two streams for the mentorship programme: Student Mentorship Programme

Advocacy BMSZ constantly engages stakeholders, decision-makers, influencers, and utilizes all available windows of opportunity to advocate for improved policies and programs and increased financial and political commitments for advancing laboratory medicine in Zambia and beyond. We do this through conferences, media statements, laboratory week activities, position papers, and other advocacy avenues as spaces to facilitate